Thursday 19 March 2015

What is the Educational Aspect of Vanossgaming?

]]Evan Fong created a YouTube channel called Vanossgaming. This channel is steadily growing in popularity by the day. Many youth are willing to spend their time learning about new games and how hilariously funny it is to play them. However, it can be alarming how much time is spent on watching these videos and on gaming. Unfortunately where there is alarm, there is also concern – especially from parents. So the question is, what is the – if any – educational aspect to Vanossgaming?

It breaks my heart to say this as a fellow gamer, but in my opinion there is no educational value to Evan Fong’s channel. However, the channel does encourage one to play video games. And there are in fact, a few educational benefits to gaming in general. These benefits include improvements in hand-eye co-ordination and in reduction of reaction time. Furthermore, gaming provides an environment of wonder and curiosity which may help stimulate learning. So even though, Vanossgaming may not have the educational aspect, there are some with gaming.

Now I’d love to hear your opinions, do you agree or disagree with me? Is there any educational aspect to Vanossgaming?

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