Saturday 28 March 2015

Learning Something New in a Few Minutes with Asapscience

You definitely can’t deny that you don’t learn something new every time you watch an Asapscience video. All of their videos are filled with interesting facts that may or may not be useful, but never cease to amaze ones point of view on the topic. One video I found to be useful is “8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically!” everybody gets sick and it is good to know which remedies actually work.
            In the Asapscience video it says that Chicken soup is actually good for colds because it contains Anti-Inflammatory, which has a impact that prevents neutrophils from moving, however it is better to eat nutrient rich food. Although you may have heard the phrase “Feed a cold, starve a fever.
            Asapscience’s video also states that an apple a day does somewhat keep the doctor away.100g of apples contain the same anti-oxidant power of 1500mg of Vitamin C, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of a few types of cancerous tumors. As well apple peels lower the chances of heart disease. So why not just take Vitamin C? Well, Vitamin C doesn’t actually affect the severity of a cold but the deration of the cold.
            If you have a bad cough and need quick relief, drink honey. Honey anit-bacterial activity increases the release of cytokines. Also having garlic decreases the length and severity of a cold and flu symptoms. Echinacea is also a very popular herbal supplements, echinacea decreased the odds of developing a cold by 58% and reduced the length of colds by approximately 1 and a half days.
            Lastly having a drink with a small amount of alcohol. Studies have shown that moderate amounts of alcohol can boost the immune system. But becoming a daily drinker (alcoholic) effects your immune system. Overall if none of these tips interest you than make sure to have plently of water and rest will sure have that cold cleared up and gone in no time.
            Asapscience has great tips such as these on many of their videos. Make sure to check out their YouTube page.

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