Sunday 29 March 2015

About the Funny and Musical Channel: Gunnarolla

Music is a universal love; for most it is both enjoyable and entertaining. Likewise, YouTube and YouTubers have also grown to become an important source of entertainment.  So when you combine musical talent with popular YouTubers and throw in a little comedy you get channels like Gunnarolla.

 Figure 4Adapted from

Andrew Gunadie is the author of the Gunnarolla channel which was created on March 14, 2006. Andrew is a growing sensation in not only the YouTube community but in also the music industry. He’s made a variety of songs which can be found on either his YouTube channel or bought on iTunes.

In fact, Andrew’s music has become so popular that his recent EP titled, ‘S*X’, became the #1 album on the Canadian iTunes comedy chart.

Not for the faint-of-heart, his music does require one to be open-minded since he predominately uses vulgar and suggestive comedy. For those adventurous enough, I would recommend checking out the Gunnarolla channel at
And here are some other links you might be interested in checking out:
·         Official website –
·         iTunes –

 Figure 5. Adapted from

Do you have a favourite Andrew Gunadie song? 

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